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🍏 Apple Watch

3D Visualization & Artwork & Motion Graphics 

As a 3D graphics enthusiast, I wanted to challenge myself by creating a 3D motion graphic project. To achieve this, 

I purchased a 3D modelling of an Apple Watch from a website and created a motion video by editing existing clips. This approach provided a great training opportunity for me to learn more about motion and improve my skills.


By using existing clips, I was able to focus solely on motion and explore different ways to showcase the unique features of the Apple Watch. During the project, I paid close attention to the lighting and layout of the clips I used as a reference and used this information to replicate the exact same atmosphere and enhance the richness of my 3D project.


Overall, this project allowed me to push my boundaries and create a unique and engaging video that showcases my design abilities. I’m proud to have taken on this challenge and look forward to exploring new avenues in motion graphics.

🔸 Challenges

  • Gain a good understanding of motion graphics by creating new ones through clip editing.

  • Focus on motion graphics by replicating the lighting and layout.

  • Establish a daily schedule to become familiar with the work process.

🔸 Schedule


🔸 Project Process Steps

  1. Edit references

  2. Create 3D pre-visualizations

  3. Create an animatic

  4. Design style frames

  5. Render and composite

  6. Finalize

🔸 References Editing

🔸 3D pre-visualization

AppleWatch_3D Previs.png

🔸 Animatic

🔸 StyleFrame


🔸 Takeaways

This project helped me learn more about the process of creating a 3D motion graphic. Specifically, I learned how to improve the visual quality through lighting and layout. I plan to continue doing similar projects to further upgrade my motion graphic skills.

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